ha-lowHalo -
How Are You?
ah-pha kha-barApa Kabar -
bha-ickBaik -
bee-suhBisa -
Thank You
terry-ma ka-seeTerima Kasih -
Thank You Very Much
terry-ma ka-see ba-n'yakTerima Kasih Banyak -
Excuse Me
per-me-seePermisi -
My Name Is …
na-ma sigh-yaNama saya ... -
What’s Your Name?
see-a-pa na-ma mooSiapa nama-mu? -
ee-yaIya -
Yes, Correct
buh-narBenar -
tee-duckTidak -
mong-keenMungkin -
ee-neeIni -
ee-tooItu -
toh-longTolong -
You’re Welcome
sa-ma sa-maSama Sama -
I’m Sorry
ma-aahfMaaf -
sum-pie joom-paSampai Jumpa -
Do You Speak English?
bee-sah bah-ha-sah ing-grisBisa bahasa Inggris? -
I Don’t Understand
sigh-ya tee-duck mung-er-teeSaya tidak mengerti -
Please Repeat
toh-long dee oo-lungTolong diulang -
How Much?
buh-rah-paBerapa -
moo-rahMurah -
Too Expensive
ther-la-loo ma-hallTerlalu Mahal -
Okay, I’ll Take It
ba-ick sigh-ya m'owBaik, saya mau -
I Can’t Speak Indonesian
sigh-ya tee-duck bee-suh ba-ha-sa indonesiaSaya tidak bisa bahasa Indonesia -
dee-ma-naDimana? -
Where is The Hotel?
dee-ma-na hoh-tell n'yaDimana Hotelnya? -
ka-punKapan? -
Turn Right
bay-lok kha-nanBelok Kanan -
Turn Left
bay-lok kee-reeBelok Kiri
Common Phrases
“When in Rome, do what Romans do.”
When you’re in Indonesia, it’s helpful to know some basic Indonesian phrases. The people there are known for being friendly, but only some speak English. Learning simple Indonesian expressions will let you communicate better and connect with the locals. Plus, using these phrases might even get you extra perks while traveling around the many islands.
This guide gives you some important words and phrases in Bahasa Indonesia that you can use during your trip. From saying hello to ordering food, you’ll have many chances to use these Indonesian words. Indonesians will be impressed if they see you’ve learned a few phrases before you came. It shows them that you care about their country. If you want to learn more about Bahasa Indonesia, this guide is an excellent place to start.